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This post was included in the ninth edition of The Wealth Builder Carnival Is the Buy and Hold investing philosophy dead? Not according to the portfolio manager we spoke to for this next interview. Our interviewee invests exclusively in large, blue-chip, conservative, dividend-paying companies that are priced at reasonable values with high income potential. In [...]
This post was included in the ninth edition of The Wealth Builder Carnival Is the Buy and Hold investing philosophy dead? Not according to the portfolio manager we spoke to for this next interview. Our interviewee invests exclusively in large, blue-chip, conservative, dividend-paying companies that are priced at reasonable values with high income potential. In [...]
Tweet Investing Professionals
Taking a break from equities, our interview today is with a systematic futures trader. This trader has developed a system that identifies the beginning or end of a trend. Relying on human biases and/or crowd behaviour, the strategy sniffs out dislocations in the futures markets that arise when human biases and/or crowd behaviour fail to [...]
Taking a break from equities, our interview today is with a systematic futures trader. This trader has developed a system that identifies the beginning or end of a trend. Relying on human biases and/or crowd behaviour, the strategy sniffs out dislocations in the futures markets that arise when human biases and/or crowd behaviour fail to [...]